Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Homosexuality and Marriage

Did you know that LGBT people are three to seven more times to commit suicide than straight teens. That is so sad that people condemn someone they have no choice to choose. I am gay I guess you could say and I went through prayer a few years back to cleanse me of homosexuality. That did NOT work. I am still gay but I do have to report I guess I would consider myself more bisexual because my feelings for girls have changed. I use to not be attracted to girls at all, but that has changed. I do find myself more attracted to girls on a daily basis. I think God has a plan for me and the prophesy of me getting married and having children will come true. I am not saying being gay is bad or ppl that are gay or going to hell. All I know is God says HE will give you the desires of your heart. Proverbs 18:21 We have power to speak life and death. So whatever your living and you don't think you can change, guess what? you will not change. If you tell yourself that you where born gay you become to believe it. I think some ppl might have been born gay and I think others its their up bringing. This gay for pay I think ppl open the door up for them to become bi or eventually become gay its all in how you look at it. Marriage is between a man and woman I think if we would call it something else besides gay marriage that ppl would get equal rights. I don't believe in gay marriage but I do believe in equal rights for all ppl. Thanks for reading my thoughts on my blog I hope they are helpful from time to time if you ever wanna email me my email is Thanks
