Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hey guys!

I went to the psychiatrist on Monday. He put me on depakote to level out my moods and keep my head from hurting all the time! So far they are getting better. I am off to court again on the 4th of Feb. so pray for me that everything will go good.

I went and visited the new church that is being held at the Rave theater on Sunday. WoW! what a awesome laid back service. I had written the pastor and told him of my lifestyle and that we would prob. disagree on it but I was wanting to know if I would feel comfortable there, or be condemned like so many pastors do send those queers to hell. That gets so old. But he did write me back and tell me that he thought I would feel comfortable there. So I think that I have found me a church where I can go and feel at home. Maybe they will even let me volunteer in something, that's prob. streching it a lil bit. :) The pastor is Ryan May and you can visit the church website at .

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